“Fall”-ing back into WECANN

While we didn’t have our monthly meetings this summer, WECANN remained steadfastly active in our community working for social justice and supporting our neighbors.

On June 30th some of us attended the “Rally for Immigrants’ Rights in Massachusetts,” protesting the family separation of policy of the current administration. The march began at Boston City Hall and proceeded to the Boston Common where a well-attended demonstration took place. The American Civil Liberties Union of Massachusetts, the Massachusetts Immigrant and Refugee Advocacy Coalition, and others, organized the rally and called on legislators to pass the Safe Communities Amendment, a measure that would restrict local law enforcement cooperation with federal immigration authorities and prohibit officers from asking about immigration status. (The amendment passed in the Senate in May but was not taken up by the House. Gov. Charlie Baker threatened to veto it.)


On July 22nd WECANN “hosted” dinner at the Open Door in Gloucester. What fun! It was great to work together as a team and make a difference here on Cape Ann by helping to feed our neighbors.


On September 23rd members attended a sermon and then meeting with Rev. Jonathan Wilson-Hargrove (co-author with Rev. William Barber, II of “The Third Reconstruction: How a Moral Movement Is Overcoming the Politics of Division and Fear“). Jonathan is active nationally in the new Poor People’s Campaign, and he’s been involved with voting rights, racial justice, community activism, ending poverty, prison reform, criminal justice reform. His visit was an amazing, engaging and energizing experience. He was even kind enough to sign books afterward!


At our September 25th monthly meeting we hosted Deb Bradley who presented on “Yes on 3” in reference to an upcoming ballot question. We were very moved by her personal testimony, and all agreed that civil rights should not be put to a vote. A YES vote will uphold basic protections for our transgender neighbors, family and friends in Massachusetts.


We also solicited questions for local candidates for the positions of 1) State Representative, 2) Governor’s Council District 5, and 3) Registrar of Deeds (in advance of an upcoming League of Women Voters’ [LoWV] newspaper “debate.”) What questions might we have for candidates who are running for those positions? Please email us (info@we-cann.org)

As we continue to watch the SCOTUS nomination process unfold, many of us gathered in support of survivors of sexual assault on September 26th. We held a variety of #BelieveSurvivors signs and banners at the Rotary and got many honks, waves and words of support. It’s going to be a big, influential year for women in politics and beyond, that’s clear to see. We will not remain in the background.


Looking ahead, some folks are still interested in protesting/standing out at Grant Circle. It would be great, for example, to do a multi-group standout and remind people to vote on November 6th. Any interest? Any ideas for causes?

Our next meeting is October 30th, we will have sister-resister Charlene Smith there, and fellow activist Bambi Snodgrass who will help us in a postcard campaign. November 27th is our 2nd Anniversary (with cake and bubbles!), celebrate our work and ponder the road ahead. January will bring the third annual Women’s March in Cambridge and around the world.

We hope to see you soon!


Respectfully submitted,


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