Happy Anniversary, WECANN!

il_570xN.1031691354_d59eWECANN is officially one year old!!

Hard to believe that we’re already ONE as of November 15th!  

We celebrated our many accomplishments at our November meeting and–lest we rest upon our laurels–considered future plans together. There were snacks, cake and bubbles, which made it a pleasure! 🎂 

Here are some of the Goals & Ideas we’re thinking about for Year Two/2018 (Adapted from this article):

  1. Expand our thinking with new experiences. (Say “yes” when you want to say “no.”)
  2. Write letters to three public people to let them know what they mean to us. (Communicate and connect.)
  3. Find a volunteer opportunity. (Share it with us.)
  4. Build value every day. (Create a ritual that ensures you reach out to locals every month. This is about adding value. The more people you help, the more joy we’ll see. Do something to help them close in on their greatest dreams and needs. )
  5. (Re?-)Write a personal mission statement. (CURRENT WECANN MISSION: Building a Cape Ann *intersectional feminist* women’s group is an idea that grew out of the energy around the Women’s Equality Panel that took place October 15, 2016 here in Gloucester, MA. – This is a reboot of the “Judith Sargent Murray Meeting” of a few decades ago–a progressive women’s group. – We meet monthly to cover current events affecting women (of which there are CLEARLY MANY) and how we can address them locally. – We might also consider books to read collectively and share our reflections. – And, we are beginning to collect stories from the women who participated in those earlier meetings to share with posterity.)
  6. Stop using the “bad thing” label. (What good things came of “bad” things this year?)
  7. Take stock and charge forward. (Ask ourselves: What battles did I fight and not win last year? Are any of those battles worth continuing? Why didn’t I win them last year? What can I do to win them this year? How can I make those things I liked most about last year happen more frequently? 2018 is going to be another great year!)
  8. Write a WECANN-goal list.
  9. Keep friends close. (Yay! We’ve survived this year together!)
  10. Have gratitude. (Are we doing the things we love the most? Be sure to delight in all the amazing aspects of our group.)

Some ideas we brainstormed:

-regular attendance at city council and board of selectpersons meetings (perhaps on rotation with folks reporting back)
-volunteer as a group to Backyard Growers, Open Door, Grace Center
-reach out to local folks and ask about needs (rides, companionship…)
-work on getting $ out of politics
-hearing more about the work the Women’s March is doing on promoting intersectional feminism
-postcard parties
-additional socials with other groups to buoy us through our stressful time

24131427_10215146250748784_6988931920404434410_n24301358_10215145609412751_4380756951173299873_nWell, it didn’t take long for us to get right back to business this week after our celebration. WECANN was busy contacting the FCC about net neutrality, and our representatives about the disastrous GOP tax plan. Then, after the Senate passed their tax bill at 1AM this morning (Saturday), some of us went out for a spontaneous protest at Grant Circle, bringing signs, pots to bang, and our outrage against the plan. In all we do, of course, we are mindful of the need to be positive, encourage local involvement, be action oriented and humorous in our signage.

Be on the lookout; soon, we’ll have a new banner to hold at these public events and spread the good word.

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We’ll certainly be out there with that banner at Grant Circle again on Saturday 12/23, 11AM-NOON to say “ENOUGH IS ENOUGH!” Speak truth to power with our signs, our voices, our presence! Bring drums, pots and pans, noisemakers. Let’s state loudly and clearly, “Enough is Enough!” Enough corporate control of government! Let’s show we are not asleep during the corporate takeover of our country. Hope to see you there! INVITE FRIENDS!


And, please do join us for our Turnout against Burnout on 1/27, when we party with our resister sisters and brothers! It’s been a long year, and there’s more to come. To keep our energy and resolve up, we’ll gather for camaraderie with our sister organizations for a fun and stress-relieving indoor winter picnic. BYO-[picnic]Basket and a pillow or blanket if you can (we’ll have extras and will also have some chairs and tables too) to MAGMA Dance Studio in Gloucester, 11 Pleasant Street upstairs. Stay tuned for more info!

That, just one week after many of us get back from the national women’s marches on 1/20/2018.  These marches will celebrate and extend the inaugural 2017 Women’s March on Washington and its hundreds of sister marches, which became the largest coordinated protest in U.S. history with nearly 5 million participants. Let’s keep that momentum!

Be in touch with your ideas and energy. We’d love to see you in January at our monthly meeting, 1/30 at 6:30P, location TBA. Friends, ideas and snacks welcome.  #PERSIST

Respectfully submitted,


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